Thursday, March 27, 2014

Math in Medicine

One of the more advanced ways that medical professionals use mathematics is in the use of CAT scans. A CAT scan is a special type of x-ray called a Computerized Axial Tomography Scan. A regular x-ray can only provide a two-dimensional view of a particular part of the body. Then, if a smaller bone is hidden between the x-ray machine and a larger bone, the smaller bone cannot be seen. It is like a shadow. It is much more beneficial to see a three dimensional representation of the body’s organs, particularly the brain. CAT scans allow doctors to see inside the brain, or another body organ, with a three dimensional image. In a CAT scan, the x-ray machine moves around the body scanning the brain (or whichever body part is being scanned) from hundreds of different angles. Then, a computer takes all the scans together and creates a three dimensional image. Each time the x-ray machine makes a full revolution around the brain, the machine is producing an image of a thin slice of the brain, starting at the top of the head and moving down toward the neck. The three-dimensional view created by the CAT scan provides much more information to doctors that a simple two-dimensional x-ray. 

Mathematics plays a crucial role in medicine and because people’s lives are involved, it is very important for nurses and doctors to be very accurate in their mathematical calculations. Numbers provide information for doctors, nurses, and even patients. Numbers are a way of communicating information, which is very important in the medical field.


  1. Yes this is very true. Also, if you are doing a surgery, the doctor should cut exactly the length or it is very dangerous. The calculation is very important.

  2. This is so true and it helps me realize why i need math so much in highschool. This kind of scares me because if i forgot the math i've learned i might mess up with a patient's life which is very bad!
