Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Week 15, Day 2

Today we saw how direct substitution and operations with limits can be used to evaluate limits of certain functions, such as polynomial functions and rational functions with nonzero denominators.

Limits of Polynomial and Rational Functions:
1. If p is a polynomial function and c is a real number, then lim x-->c p(x) = p(c). 
2. If r is a rational function given by r(x) = p(x) / q(x), and c is a real number such that q(c) does not equal 0, then lim x--> c r(x) = r(c) = p(c) / q(c), q(c) does not equal 0.

Methods of Evaluating Limits:
1. Direct substitution (plug-in).
2. Cancellation technique (factor/cancel).
3. Rationalization technique (multiply radicals by conjugate).
Once you reach the intermediate form (0/0), use either the cancellation or rationalization method to evaluate the limit. If it contains a radical, use the rationalization technique. Finally, plug the value of x 
in the equation using direct substitution. This will give you the value of the limit. 

Example 1: Evaluating Limits By Direct Substitution
Find each of the following limits. 
a) lim x-->-1 (x^2 + x - 6) 
b) lim x-->-1 (x^2 + x - 6 / x + 3)
The first function is a polynomial function and the second is a rational function (with a nonzero denominator at x = -1). Thus, you can evaluate the limits by direct substitution. 
a) lim x-->-1 (x^2 + x - 6) = (-1)^2 + (-1) - 6 = -6
b) lim x-->-1 (x^2 + x - 6) / x + 3 = -6 / -1 + 3 = -3

Example 2: Evaluating Limits By Cancellation
Find the limit: lim x--> -3 (x^2 + x - 6) / x + 3.
Begin by factoring the numerator and canceling any common factors.
lim x--> -3 (x^2 + x - 6) / x + 3 (Factor numerator)
lim x--> -3 (x - 2)(x + 3) / x + 3 (Cancel common factor)
lim x--> -3 (x - 2) (Simplify)
lim = 5 (Direct substitution) 

Find the limit: lim x--> 1 (x - 1) / x^3 - x^2 + x - 1
Begin by substituting x = 1 into the numerator and denominators.
1 - 1 = 0 (Numerator is 0 when x = 1)
(1)^3 - (1)^2 + 1 - 1 = 0 (Denominator is 0 when x = 1)
Because both the numerator and denominator are zero when x = 1, direct substitution will not yield the limit. To fins the limit, you should factor the numerator and denominator, cancel any common factors, and then try direct substitution again. 
lim x--> 1 (x - 1) / x^3 - x^2 + x - 1 =
lim x--> 1 (x - 1) / (x - 1)(x^2 + 1) (Factor denominator)
lim x--> 1 (x - 1) / (x - 1)(x^2 + 1) (Cancel common factor)
lim x--> 1 (1) / (x^2 + 1) (Simplify)
(1) / (1)^2 + 1 (Substitute)
lim = 1 / 2 (Simplify)

Example 3: Evaluating Limits By Rationalization 
Find the limit: (x + 1)^1/2 - 1 / x
By direct substitution, you obtain the indeterminate form 0 / 0.
lim x-->0 (x + 1)^1/2 - 1 / x = 0 / 0
In this casem you can rewrite the fraction by rationalizing the numerator.
(x + 1)^1/2 - 1 / x  = ((x + 1)^1/2 - 1 / x)((x + 1)^1/2 - 1 / (x + 1)^1/2 + 1)) 
= (x + 1) - 1 / x((x + 1)^1/2 + 1)) (Multiply)
= x / x((x + 1)^1/2 + 1)) (Simplify)
= x / x((x + 1)^1/2 + 1)) (Cancel common factor)
= 1 / (x + 1)^1/2 + 1) (Simplify)
Now you can evaluate the limit by direct substitution.
lim x-->0 (x + 1) ^1/2 - 1 / x 
lim x--> 0 1 / (x + 1)^1/2 + 1 
= 1 / 1 + 1
= 1 / 2
You can reinforce your conclusion that the limit is 1/2 by constructing a table, or by sketching a graph.

One-Sided Limits
lim x--> c- f(x) = L (Limit from the left)
lim x--> c+ f(x) = L (Limit from the right)
The function approaches a different value from the left side of c than it approaches from the right of c.
Thus, a limit can fail to exist. This is a concept known as a one-sided limit.

Example 4: Evaluating One-Sided Limits
Find the limit as x--> 0 from the left and the limit as x--> 0 from the right for the function given by:
f(x) = |2x| / x.
From the graph of f, shown below, you can see that f(x) = -2 for all x < 0. Therefore, the limit frol the left is lim x--> 0 |2x| / x = -2 (Limit from the left). Because f(x) = 2 for all x > 0, the limit from the right is lim x--> 0 |2x| / x = 2 (Limit from the right). 

Existence of a Limit:
If f is a function and c and L are real numbers, then lim x--> c f(x) = L if and only if both the left and right limits are equal to L. 

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