Thursday, May 15, 2014
Week 17, Day 3
Week 17, Day 2
Week 17, Day 1
Cristian Vera presented lesson 9.5: Binomial Theorem and Expansion.
When you write out the coefficients for a binomial that is raised to a power, you are expanding a binomial. There are two methods of expansion, both of which provide binomial coefficients. The first is Binomial Theorem, which states that in the expansion of
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Week 16, Day 3
Physical forces and velocities are not confined to the plane, therefore it is natural to extend the concept of vectors from two-dimensional space to three-dimensional space. In space, vectors are denoted by ordered triples v = <v1, v2, v3>, otherwise known as component form. The zero vector is denoted by 0 = < 0, 0, 0 >. Using the unit vectors i = < 1, 0, 0 > in the direction of the positive z-axis, the standard unit vector notation for v is v = v1i + v2j + v3k, otherwise known as unit vector form. If v is represented by the directed line segment from P(p1, p2, p3) to Q(q1, q2, q3), the component form of v is produced by subtracting the coordinates of the initial point from the coordinates of the terminal point, v ='<v1, v2, v3> = <q1-p1, q2-p2, q3-p3>.
Week 16, Day 2
In her presentation, Jasmine explained how to perform inverse matrices.
A^-1 is called the inverse of A.
Week 16, Day 1
One of our topics, as Axie explained in her presentation, was partial fractions.
In this lesson, we learned how to perform partial fraction decomposition, which involves writing a rational expression as the sum of two or more rational expressions. For instance, (x+7) / (x^2-x-6) can be written as the sum of two fractions with linear denominators. That is, (x+7) / (x^2-x-6) = (2 / x-3) + (-1 / x+2). Each fraction on the right side of the equation is a partial fraction, and together they make up the partial fraction decomposition of the left side. The following are steps to carry out partial fraction decomposition:
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Mathematical Imagery
The connection between mathematics and art goes back thousands of years. Mathematics has been used in the design of Gothic cathedrals, Rose windows, oriental rugs, mosaics, and tilings. Geometric forms were fundamental to the cubists and many abstract expressionists, and award-winning sculptors have used topology as the basis for their pieces. Dutch artist M.C. Escher represented infinity, Möbius bands, tessellations, deformations, reflections, Platonic solids, spirals, symmetry, and the hyperbolic plane in his works. Mathematicians and artists continue to create stunning works in all media. To further explore the visualization of mathematics, refer to origami, computer-generated landscapes, tesselations, fractals, and anamorphic art, which I have shown below. Hope you enjoy!